Funding for Student-Led Campus Programming

University Life uses a committee process to award funds on an as needed basis. Funds are awarded for programs/events that impact the quality of campus life at the Mason Square campus of George Mason University. Funding priority is given to requests received by the following dates:

  • 5 weeks in advance of the program(s) for requests $500 or greater
  • 2 weeks in advance of the program for requests under $499

Funding Criteria

Funds are awarded to programs geared toward a primary audience made up of students. Funding applications are evaluated on:

  • Program rationale
  • Academic or co-curricular connection(s)
  • Extent to which the program fulfills the University Life at Mason Square mission
  • Likelihood of garnering an audience of the desired size and composition
  • Promotion plan
  • Alignment with other University Life or campus events (e.g., International Week, Heritage/History Month(s), Homecoming, etc.)
  • Work plan and timeline
  • Anticipated outcomes and benefits of project or program
  • Evaluation plan
  • Proposed use of funds

The funding committee will also consider:

  • Significance of the project and its overall prospects for success
  • Involvement of faculty, students and staff at Mason Square
  • Program’s immediate and long-term impact on a well-defined target audience, which may and generally should include the university community at large
  • The relationship of the project to the goals and priorities of University Life
  • Other funding sources (i.e., Registered Student Organizations requesting University Life at Mason Square funds must first request funds through Student Involvement. Visit the Student Involvement website for details. Law school organizations should first seek funding through the Student Bar Association.)


Because University Life Arlington program/event funds come from student fee money, programs with a primary audience of students are given priority. Requests will first be evaluated on their likelihood of garnering an audience of the desired size and composition. There is considerable evidence that advertising alone is insufficient to this task, so proposals with an academic connection will be given high consideration.

Funding Application:

Requests for University Life Arlington program/event funds must be submitted via the Program Funding Application.